I have a module which in the AuthorizationServiceEventHandler
or Complete
Events i'm sending a request to an external API which gives me some instructions like what modules should be enabled/displayed to the user .
The appraoch i want to follow is storing this instructions somewhere probably on the cache and then whenever a Service module Exposed being requested by the user (through a controller ) the module will check the instructions using the CacheManager
the problem with the standard Permissions answered by ViRuSTriNiTy is the instructions or permissions may changes depending on other permission (like if permission A is granted the permission C is also granted ) and this instructions are decided by an external API and will be changing all the time .
i'm trying for days to find a proper way or approach to follow to achieve this .
This Illustrate what my module will be doing .
So the API will not be giving specifically that module 1
and module 3
should be enabled, it will only gives you instructions .
House should be replaced by hospital
EDIT 1: what i meant by house should be hopistal in the picture Api responds with Hopistal instead of house i just messed it up .
EDIT 2: what i want to achieve is a module which control what modules should be available to a specific user, every user has different characteristics which the API will examine and decide what values will be returned to the module , and the module then depending on those instructions will determine which modules will be available to the user .
E.g a user which has no house will not use the House module
like permissions the module will returns an Unauthorized httpcode with a styled message : You have no house .
I think you need to define some permissions first.
Permission A in Module House
: CanAccess
Permission B in Module Children
: CanAccess
Now in your handler you can get the module from the permission and then ask the API to return the appropriate value.
Permission House.CanAccess
> Module House
-> ExternalAPI.CanAccess(House
) -> return from handler as needed