How can I refine this Javascript code to refine it so it only work on links from images (and NOT links from text)

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-11 05:46:41


I want to make some refinement to some code from a previous question:

// the new base url
var base = '';
var links  = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

for(var i = 0;i < links.length;i++){
    // check each link for the 'asin' value
    var result = /asin=([\d\w]+)/.exec(links[i].getAttribute('href'));
        // make a new url using the 'base' and the 'asin' value
        links[i].setAttribute('href', base+result[1]);

Now, instead of it acting on all links, can I get it to only look at links that are from images?

Here is an HTML snippet to show what I mean:

<a href="/shop/product?ie=UTF8&amp;asin=Z00FDLN878&amp;tab=UK_Default" target="_blank"><img width="125" height="125" border="0" src="" alt="43453"></a>

That's an image link - I do want it to act on that.


My gut instinct is that this isn't actually possible in code - because document.getElementsByTagName('a') can't see the difference between a text link and an image link.


Use querySelectorAll to pre-select only the right kinds of nodes. EG:

// the new base url
var base        = '';
var linkImgs    = document.querySelectorAll ("a > img");

for (var J = linkImgs.length - 1;  J >= 0;  --J) {
    var imgLink = linkImgs[J].parentNode;

    //--- Check each link for the 'asin' value
    var result  = /asin=([\d\w]+)/.exec (imgLink.getAttribute ('href') );
    if( result) {
        // make a new url using the 'base' and the 'asin' value
        imgLink.setAttribute ('href', base+result[1]);


You could use regex to check for the link inside the HTML of the link:

for(var i = 0;i < links.length;i++) {

    // check each link for the 'asin' value
    var result = /asin=([\d\w]+)/.exec(links[i].getAttribute('href'));

    // check each link for an img tag
    var hasimage = /<img [^>]+>/.test(links[i].innerHTML);

    if(result && hasimage){
        // make a new url using the 'base' and the 'asin' value
        links[i].setAttribute('href', base+result[1]);


Also, using regular expressions to search for HTML probably isn't the best bet, but if you control what's being generated, then this is probably the quickest way without a 3rd party html parser.


You can filter the links based on whether or not they contain an image.

var links  = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

links = [], function(item) {
   // test to see if child node is an image
   return item.childNodes[0].nodeName === 'IMG'; 

for(var i = 0;i < links.length;i++){
    // do what you gotta do


You can just test for an IMG child and only process the link if there is one there.

Example on JSFiddle

// the new base url
var base = '';
var links  = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

for(var i = 0;i < links.length;i++){
    var linkElement = links[i];
    //get the first child of the a element
    var firstChild = linkElement.children[0];
    //if there is a child and it's an IMG then process this link
    if (typeof(firstChild) !== "undefined" && firstChild.tagName=="IMG") { 
      // check each link for the 'asin' value
      var result = /asin=([\d\w]+)/.exec(links[i].getAttribute('href'));
          // make a new url using the 'base' and the 'asin' value
          links[i].setAttribute('href', base+result[1]);


// the new base url
var base = '';
var links  = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
var hrefs = links.parent;

for(var i = 0;i < hrefs.length;i++){
    // check each link for the 'asin' value
    var result = /asin=([\d\w]+)/.exec(hrefs[i].getAttribute('href'));
        // make a new url using the 'base' and the 'asin' value
        hrefs[i].setAttribute('href', base+result[1]);


There is a links collection, and you can can just check if the link has an image child node:

var link, links = document.links;
var re = /asin=([\d\w]+)/;
for (var i=0, iLen=links.length; i<iLen; i++) {
  link = links[i]

  if (link.getElementsByTagName('img').length && re.test(link.href)) {
    link.href = base + result[1];


My initial response would be to look into query Select All and then assign a class name to grab on all of the a tags that would be affected by whatever your trying to do. When I get to my laptop I'll edit this with an example.

