In reference to: How to remove delivery shipping step on prestashop 1.6.1?
I am looking for a solution for Prestashop v1.7.2.4, any ideas? I tried to comment some code lines but it created extra problem like not submitting the order
Simply comment out the following lines
->addStep(new CheckoutAddressesStep(
in /controllers/front/OrderController.php
I managed to hide Address step by assigning all orders to a single Address and removing the Address step from checkout process. Let's say you have an address with id = 2, using code below, all orders will be created with this address.
Create an address from BO, let's say it has
= 2Hook actionDispatcher to update our cart in database
and hook your module to actionDispatcher
public function hookActionDispatcher($params = []){
// every time we go to a payment controller, we update current cart id_addresses to 2
$payments_controllers = [
if($params['controller_type'] == Dispatcher::FC_FRONT &&
in_array($params['controller_class'], $payments_controllers) &&
$cart = new Cart($this->context->cookie->id_cart);
if($cart->id_address_delivery == 0 || $cart->id_address_invoice){
$cart->id_address_delivery = 2;
$cart->id_address_invoice = 2;
- Override Address with hardcoded id_address
class Address extends AddressCore {
public static function getFirstCustomerAddressId($id_customer, $active = true){
return 2; // hardcoded id_address
- Override Cart to have an always valid address
class Cart extends CartCore {
public function checkAndUpdateAddresses(){
return true; // always valid
- Override OrderController to remove Adress step from checkout override/controllers/front/OrderController.php
class OrderController extends OrderControllerCore {
protected function bootstrap(){
// copy everything from https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/1.7.2.x/controllers/front/OrderController.php#L90
// but comment those lines:
// ->addStep(new CheckoutAddressesStep(
// $this->context,
// $translator,
// $this->makeAddressForm()
// ))
Address step is now hidden from the front office :
If you only do step 5, you will be redirected to checkout?step=1
because ps_wirepayment do a check on cart->id_address
at validation:
if ($cart->id_customer == 0 || $cart->id_address_delivery == 0 || $cart->id_address_invoice == 0 || !$this->module->active){
On prestashop 1.7.* I managed to disable (make disappear) the whole delivery step. In my scenario, the business model for my customer is Cash on delivery.
To achieve that I commented it out in the source code.
in the file controllers/front/OrderController.php comment out checkoutDeliveryStep