Does Flutter remove debug-mode code when compiling for release?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-11 02:47:52


I'm wondering whether it is safe to place passwords directly in the Dart code like below. Does Flutter remove the code when compiling it for release? Of course I want to make sure that the code cannot be decompiled such that the username and password can be extracted.

bool get isInDebugMode {
  bool inDebugMode = false;
  assert(inDebugMode = true);
  return inDebugMode;

  emailController.text = '';
  passwordController.text = 'secret';


Tree-shaking removes that code when inDebugMode is a const value.

"safe" is a strong word for that though even when tree-shaking removes the code.
You could make a mistake that causes tree-shaking to retain the code.
You probably commit the code to a CVS repo.

You can use

  • a const value
const bool isProduction = bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product');
if(isProduction) {
  • different lib/main.dart files with flutter run -t lib/debug_main.dart

  • or the assert method as mentioned (see also How to exclude debug code)


The code you provided won't be tree-shaked. As isInDebugMode isn't a constant.

Instead you can use an assert this way:

assert(() {
  emailController.text = '';
  passwordController.text = 'secret';
  return true;

