
'Assert' statements in .NET production code

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-02-19 02:23:31
问题 Is it wise to leave Trace.Assert and Debug.Assert statements in code that is "stable" and which has been moved into Test and Production environments? If so, how do these assertion statements help? Isn't it sufficient to have Guard classes, etc. check for exception conditions and raise exceptions as appropriate? 回答1: Debug.Assert statements will be ignored unless you have the DEBUG compilation constant defined, which by default happens when you compile in the "debug" configuration and not in

Java assertion error does not throw error

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-16 04:33:45
问题 Why doesn't my assert statement yield any result? I think the first assert statement should fail, but I don't see anything being displayed on Eclipse. I'm using Eclipse to run this program. package java.first; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String s = "test1"; assert (s == "test"); s = "test"; assert (s == "test"); } } 回答1: You need to set the -ea (Enable Assertions) in your JVM options. Unrelated, but you almost always want string1.equals

Override Standard Assert Messaging in Pytest Assert

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-11 06:55:03
问题 I'm using Pytest to test some SQL queries my team runs programmatically over time. My SQL queries are lists of JSONs - one JSON corresponds to one row of data. I've got a function that diffs the JSON key:value pairs so that we can point to exactly which values are different for a given row. Ideally, I'd output a list of these diffs instead of the standard output of an assert statement, which ends up looking clunky and not-very-useful for the end user. 回答1: Pytest give us the hook pytest

NUnit's CollectionAssert return false for similar lists of custom class

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-02-05 06:33:40
问题 Here is my class: public class MyClass { public string Name { get; set; } public string FaminlyName { get; set; } public int Phone { get; set; } } Then I have two similar list: List<MyClass> list1 = new List<MyClass>() { new MyClass() {FaminlyName = "Smith", Name = "Arya", Phone = 0123}, new MyClass() {FaminlyName = "Jahani", Name = "Shad", Phone = 0123} }; List<MyClass> list2 = new List<MyClass>() { new MyClass() {FaminlyName = "Smith", Name = "Arya", Phone = 0123}, new MyClass()

Checking a value in a nested JSON using Postman

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-04 06:15:00
问题 I have a nested JSON returned from an API that I am hitting using a GET request, in POSTMAN chrome app. My JSON looks like this "result": [ { "_id": "some_id", "name": "India", "code": "IN", "link": "", "closingTime": "2017-02-25T01:12:17.860Z", "openingTime": "2017-02-25T06:12:17.205Z", "image": "image_link", "status": "online", "serverStatus": "online", "games": [ { "_id": "some_game_id1", "name": "Cricket" }, { "_id": "some_another_id1", "name": "Baseball" }, { "_id":

Checking a value in a nested JSON using Postman

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-04 06:14:37
问题 I have a nested JSON returned from an API that I am hitting using a GET request, in POSTMAN chrome app. My JSON looks like this "result": [ { "_id": "some_id", "name": "India", "code": "IN", "link": "", "closingTime": "2017-02-25T01:12:17.860Z", "openingTime": "2017-02-25T06:12:17.205Z", "image": "image_link", "status": "online", "serverStatus": "online", "games": [ { "_id": "some_game_id1", "name": "Cricket" }, { "_id": "some_another_id1", "name": "Baseball" }, { "_id":

why the assert function was disabled in dart?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-01-29 13:36:12
问题 import 'dart:io'; main() { print("Enter an even number : "); int evenNo = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync()); assert(evenNo % 2 == 0, 'wrong input'); print("You have entered : $evenNo"); } to get this code to work properly I had to run the dart file with '--enable-asserts' tag and before assert function was executed without passing the '--enable-asserts' tag. why was this function disabled ? 回答1: What is an assertion? In many languages, including Dart, "assertions" specifically are meant to

Why do we use assert() and assert_options() in PHP?

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-20 18:13:31
问题 I am new to using PHP and am learning it by reading the documentation on - currently the page for assert() to know about those assert() and assert_options() functions, but it does not explain why we use them and what these functions do in simple words. What do these functions and why do we use them in PHP? 回答1: Assert() is a clever function that works along the same lines as our print statements, but they only have any effect if a certain condition is not matched. Essentially, assert(

Why do we use assert() and assert_options() in PHP?

十年热恋 提交于 2021-01-20 18:13:22
问题 I am new to using PHP and am learning it by reading the documentation on - currently the page for assert() to know about those assert() and assert_options() functions, but it does not explain why we use them and what these functions do in simple words. What do these functions and why do we use them in PHP? 回答1: Assert() is a clever function that works along the same lines as our print statements, but they only have any effect if a certain condition is not matched. Essentially, assert(

Symfony NotBlank constraint allow blank string

安稳与你 提交于 2020-12-13 03:22:26
问题 I'm working with Symfony5 and ApiPlatform with phpunit for the tests I'm running tests on field validation. My issue comes from the fact that I want to restrain the user's possiblity to enter a blank string in a property named name as follow : /** * @ApiResource( * attributes={ * "normalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:read", "cons:list"}}, * "denormalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:write"}} * }, * collectionOperations={ * "get"={ * "mehtod"="GET", * "normalization_context"={"groups"={