I make an application using no storyboard and in this part of my app I need to create a unwind segue from ThirdViewController
to FirstViewController
programmatically only. I know how to do it using sotorybard but can't find any solution how to do it programmatically. Any sugestions?
You can't create an actual segue without a Storyboard, but you can do the equivalent action by calling popToViewController
on navigationController
. Here is an example that is connected to a button to return to FirstViewController
from ThirdViewController
@IBAction func goBackToFirstVC(sender: UIButton) {
guard let controllers = navigationController?.viewControllers else { return }
let count = controllers.count
if count > 2 {
// Third from the last is the viewController we want
if let firstVC = controllers[count - 3] as? FirstViewController {
// pass back some data
firstVC.someProperty = someData
firstVC.someOtherProperty = moreData
navigationController?.popToViewController(firstVC, animated: true)
In an override of viewWillAppear
, you can act upon that data that was passed back.