I have the following select in my twebbrowser
<Select name="ship_to_method">
<option value="1941">Royal Mail Standard Delivery at £1.45 </option>
<option value="1942">Courier Standard Delivery at £4.64 </option>
<option value="1943">Royal Mail Priority Delivery at £1.66 </option>
<option value="1944">Courier Priority Delivery at £5.15 </option>
the number of options and the values change dynamically,
how can i get the options into an array so I have..
option_texts=("Royal Mail Standard Delivery at £1.45","Courier Standard Delivery at £4.64","Royal Mail Priority Delivery at £1.66","Courier Priority Delivery at £5.15");
if anyone has any code to share that would be great!
many thanks
Using a TWebBrowser
named Wb
you can get your ids and texts this way:
uses MSHTML;
Disp: IDispatch;
SelEl: IHTMLSelectElement;
i: Integer;
OptionEl: IHTMLOptionElement;
option_ids: array of WideString;
option_texts: array of WideString;
// load test web page containing your SELECT
// wait for browser to finish loading
while Wb.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE do
// search the document for the SELECT element with the given name
Disp:=(Wb.ControlInterface.Document as IHTMLDocument2).all.item('ship_to_method', EmptyParam);
// EDIT: the following two lines are demonstrating how to get the element with focus
// simulate user selection by setting focus to SELECT element
(Disp as IHTMLElement2).focus;
// now ask document for active element which should be the SELECT element
Disp:=(Wb.ControlInterface.Document as IHTMLDocument2).activeElement;
// basic error checking and acquiring of IHTMLSelectElement interface which is needed to access single OPTIONs within the SELECT
if Assigned(Disp) and Supports(Disp, IHTMLSelectElement, SelEl) then
// prepare array
SetLength(option_ids, SelEl.length);
SetLength(option_texts, SelEl.length);
// get OPTIONs from SELECT
for i:=0 to SelEl.length-1 do
OptionEl := SelEl.Item(i,EmptyParam) as IHTMLOptionElement;
// voila - read value and text of option element, store in arrays
option_ids[i] := OptionEl.Value;
option_texts[i] := OptionEl.Text;
// option_ids now contains your IDs
// option_texts now contains your texts
Edit: added option_texts
as well.
Edit2: This is the web page 'select.htm':
<Select name="ship_to_method">
<option value="1941">Royal Mail Standard Delivery at £1.45 </option>
<option value="1942">Courier Standard Delivery at £4.64 </option>
<option value="1943">Royal Mail Priority Delivery at £1.66 </option>
<option value="1944">Courier Priority Delivery at £5.15 </option>
Update: In year 2017+, TEmbeddedWb is not such a great choice. Check out the DCEF (chromium browser) in Delphi instead.
I know how to do that using TEmbeddedWB, originally from the now defunct site www.bsalsa.com, still available at sourceforge and github, which is a higher-performance and more feature-filled IE wrapper that replaces TWebBrowser You use something like this:
procedure Dummy;
element: IHTMLElement;
element := EmbeddedWB1.GetActiveElement;
Once you have the element, it's trivial to get its HTML from IHTMLElement.
I took all the TWebBrowser's out of my apps and put in TEmbeddedWB for a dozen great bug fixes, and features like this, such as in this case, it just makes getting active controls (like this html SELECT (drop down list) control) easy.