I am building dynamic framework in which i am importing GoogleMobileAds framework (i am not linking it as binary)
I am simply importing it in the class code while keeping the framework on the project path without linking it in the "Link binary" in the build phases
import GoogleMobileAds
I am getting this error when trying to build the project:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_GADInterstitial", referenced from:
static VeediSDK_admob.VeediUtils.loadNewAdd (VeediSDK_admob.VeediUtils.Type)() -> __ObjC.GADInterstitial in
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_GADRequest", referenced from:
static VeediSDK_admob.VeediUtils.loadNewAdd (VeediSDK_admob.VeediUtils.Type)() -> __ObjC.GADInterstitial in VeediUtils.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
Since i am building framework i don't want to link the GoogleMobileAds directly to the framework.
I made sure i am linking all the system frameworks required by GoogleMobileAds and confident that this is not the issue
Any ideas how to solve this?
i had same issue
in my case i removed pod and import adMob FrameWork manually from
and just drag "GoogleMobileAds.framework" into my project,
clean and run