Is it possible to get property from JSON using complex path, like "prop1.prop2"
Sample of JSON I used:
"prop1": {
"prop2": "value"
What I have want is to get property "prop2"
there with its value "value"
When I tried:
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.2.3.0/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
open FSharp.Data.JsonExtensions
let json = JsonValue.Load "SampleJson.json"
I got:
System.Exception: Didn't find property 'prop1.prop2' in {"prop1":{"prop2":"value"}}
I tried to write such method by my own, but it looks clumsy:
let rec tryGetChildValue (propNameSplitted : List<string>) (json:JsonValue) =
match propNameSplitted with
| [] -> None
| [x] -> json.TryGetProperty (x)
| x::xs ->
match json.TryGetProperty (x) with
| Some p -> tryGetChildValue xs (json.GetProperty(x))
| None -> None
let tryGetPropValue (propName: string) (json:JsonValue) =
let s = propName.Split '.' |> Array.toList
tryGetChildValue s json
let propName = "prop1.prop2"
let result = (tryGetPropValue propName json)
You can do that trivially with JSON.net:
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
let query json =
let j = JObject.Parse json
j.SelectToken "prop1.prop2" |> string
Obviously, there's no type safety with this approach, but that's the trade-off if you want to be able to query using arbitrary strings.
Inside FSharp.Data, you can find a JSonProvider
that allows you to get properties ( and more if you want) from a JSON object using complex path. You can do something like this and it should work for you:
type test = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider<"""{
"prop1": {
"prop2": "value"
} """>
let testSample = test.GetSample()
let testValue = testSample.Prop1.Prop2
and you will have the returned value to be : val testValue : string = "value"
You have to be carefull that what you give as a parameter to the JSonProvider is a String representation of your Json object.
I hope that helps :)