I'm trying to use Vitamio library. My apk without Vitamio is about 400k , and when I add Vitamio's library it become more than 11 MB ! I just want to use Vitamio's videoView. Is it any way to customize the library ? I started copying and pasting necessary classes from the library but they are a lot! Please give me some advice and thanks in advance.
Also I insert the jar file in libs folder instead of adding the library and it's just about 50kb. This time when I run the app, it says in a dialog that I have to install the Vitamio app first to continue :/
Deleting the libarm.so file will NOT fix your situation. This file contains native libs for a variety of processros. The Vitamio library extracts the correct one upon first initialization, to a private directory inside the app's data/data directory.
Deleting the 11MB file will make your app uninstallable.
Look at InitActivity.java
and Vitamio.java