I'm working working on Responsive Layout where I'm using JQuery Masonry as well.
I'm using following script to get current column width.
var curWidth;
var detector;
detector = $('.magic-column');
curWidth = detector.outerWidth(true);
curWidth = detector.outerWidth(true);
My JQuery Masonry init script is something like this..
$(function (){
singleMode: true,
columnWidth: curWidth, // This needs to be update on window load & resize both //
My 1st script is fetching width correctly, but in masonry that width isn't updating... How can I implement both load & resize function so that my curWidth will be updated for Masonry as well on window resize
You need to set the columnWidth of the masonry after resize:
curWidth = detector.outerWidth(true);
$wall.masonry( 'option', { columnWidth: curWidth });
Yuo can read more about the masonry methods here: http://masonry.desandro.com/methods.html
bindResize can be used to resize all items in the container when using a fluid layout (bindResize
is in https://github.com/desandro/masonry/blob/master/dist/masonry.pkgd.js
itemSelector: '.container'
$(window).resize(function () {