I downloaded the package from NuGet and still there's no SQLite.cs neither SQLiteAsync.cs added to the project, If SQLite-NET is still not supporting VS 2015 RTM, Any possible alternatives?
Note that I tried SQLite.NET-PCL and still the same problem.
SQLite.NET-PCL shouldn't add those two classes directly to your project files.
Did you download the right SQLite.NET-PCL via NuGet? (there's a huge mess when you search for SQLite.NET on NuGet so it's easy to get confused and install the wrong one).
Did you install the SQLite VSIX package for Universal App Platform development using Visual Studio 2015. Did you add it to your project references?
Have you tried reading my blog post on this topic: Using SQLite in Windows 10 Universal apps?
Everything should work OK with VS 2015 RTM.
The question was about sqlite-net but the answer was about SQLite.NET-PCL. I too ran into the same problem with sqlite-net on UWP. It turns out this is a known issue. See here from the GitHub page (issue 391):
Adding sqlite-net NuGet to Universal Windows project doesn't add SQLite.cs or SQLiteAsync.cs to project #391