I am using this legacy code: http://fossies.org/dox/opencv-2.4.8/trifocal_8cpp_source.html for estimating 3D points from the given corresponding 2D points from 3 different views. The problem I faced is same as stated here: http://opencv-users.1802565.n2.nabble.com/trifocal-tensor-icvComputeProjectMatrices6Points-icvComputeProjectMatricesNPoints-td2423108.html
I could compute Projection matrices successfully using icvComputeProjectMatrices6Points. I used 6 set of corresponding points from 3 views. Results are shown below:
projMatr1 P1 =
[-0.22742541, 0.054754492, 0.30500898, -0.60233182;
-0.14346679, 0.034095913, 0.33134204, -0.59825808;
-4.4949986e-05, 9.9166318e-06, 7.106331e-05, -0.00014547621]
projMatr2 P2 =
[-0.17060626, -0.0076031247, 0.42357284, -0.7917347;
-0.028817834, -0.0015948272, 0.2217239, -0.33850163;
-3.3046148e-05, -1.3680664e-06, 0.0001002633, -0.00019192585]
projMatr3 P3 =
[-0.033748217, 0.099119112, -0.4576003, 0.75215244;
-0.001807699, 0.0035084449, -0.24180284, 0.39423448;
-1.1765103e-05, 2.9554356e-05, -0.00013438619, 0.00025332544]
Furthermore, I computed 3D points using icvReconstructPointsFor3View. The six 3D points are as following:
4D points =
[-0.4999997, -0.26867214, -1, 2.88633e-07, 1.7766099e-07, -1.1447386e-07;
-0.49999994, -0.28693244, 3.2249036e-06, 1, 7.5971762e-08, 2.1956141e-07;
-0.50000024, -0.72402155, 1.6873783e-07, -6.8603946e-08, -1, 5.8393886e-07;
-0.50000012, -0.56681377, 1.202426e-07, -4.1603233e-08, -2.3659911e-07, 1]
While, actual 3D points are as following:
- { ID:1,X:500.000000, Y:800.000000, Z:3000.000000}
- { ID:2,X:500.000000, Y:800.000000, Z:4000.000000}
- { ID:3,X:1500.000000, Y:800.000000, Z:4000.000000}
- { ID:4,X:1500.000000, Y:800.000000, Z:3000.000000}
- { ID:5,X:500.000000, Y:1800.000000, Z:3000.000000}
- { ID:6,X:500.000000, Y:1800.000000, Z:4000.000000}
My question is now, how to transform P1, P2 and P3 to a form that allows a meaningful triangulation? I need to compute the correct 3D points using trifocal tensor.
The trifocal tensor won't help you, because like the fundamental matrix, it only enables projective reconstruction of the scene and camera poses. If X0_j
and P0_i
are the true 3D points and camera matrices, this means that the reconstructed points Xp_j = inv(H).X0_j
and camera matrices Pp_i = P0_i.H
are only defined up to a common 4x4 matrix H
, which is unknown.
In order to obtain a metric reconstruction, you need to know the calibration matrices of your cameras. Whether you know these matrices (e.g. if you use virtual cameras for image rendering) or you estimated them using camera calibration (see OpenCV calibration tutorials), you can find a method to obtain a metric reconstruction in §7.4.5 of "Geometry, constraints and computation of the trifocal tensor", by C.Ressl (PDF).
Note that even when using this method, you cannot obtain an up-to-scale 3D reconstruction, unless you have some additional knowledge (such as knowledge of the actual distance between two fixed 3D points).
Sketch of the algorithm:
Inputs: the three camera matrices P1, P2, P3
(projective world coordinates, with the coordinate system chosen so that P1=[I|0]
), the associated calibration matrices K1, K2, K3
and one point correspondence x1, x2, x3
Outputs: the three camera matrices P1_E, P2_E, P3_E
(metric reconstruction).
Compute the fundamental matrices
. DenotingP2=[A|a]
, you haveF21=[a]x.A
(see table 9.1 in [HZ00]), where for a 3x1 vector e[e]x = [0,-e_3,e_2;e_3,0,-e_1;-e_2,e_1,0]
Compute the essential matrices
E21 = K2'.F21.K1
andE31 = K3'.F31.K1
i = 2,3
, do the followingi. Compute the SVD
. Ifdet(U)<0
. Ifdet(V)<0
.ii. Define
andti = third column of U
iii. Define
iv. If
, setRi=U.W'.V'
and recomputeM
v. If
setti = -ti
vi. Define
Do the following to retrieve the correct scale for t3 (consistantly to the fact that
):i. Define
ii. Define
iii. Compute the scale
iv. Set
End of the algorithm: the camera matrices
P1_E, P2_E, P3_E
are valid up to an isotropic scaling of the scene and a change of 3D coordinate system (hence it is a metric reconstruction).
[HZ00] "Multiple view geometry in computer vision" , by R.Hartley and A.Zisserman, 2000.