How to Consume App Engine Task Queue Via Compute Engine Instance

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-08 07:33:38


I have a Google App Engine Application with a Task Queue. I'm thoroughly confused on how to create a Compute Engine Instance that can lease tasks from the Task Queue via the Task Queue REST API.

Keep in mind I am developing/testing locally right now.

In my queue.yaml file, I define the following taskqueue:

- name: videos
  mode: pull
  - user_email:
  - writer_email:

This email address is the default compute engine service account email.

I am creating a Compute Engine instance from my google cloud console for now. I choose the Compute Engine default service account and under access scopes I choose Set access for each APIand then enable task queue.

After I create instance, I ssh via gcloud compute ssh instance-name.

I then run the following commands: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get -y install python-pip, sudo pip install google-api-python-client.

I have a python script on my Google Cloud Storage which I'm able to copy onto my VM via gsutil cp gs://

I then run my script: python

In my python script, I have the following code:

from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from apiclient.discovery import build
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
service = build('taskqueue', 'v1beta2', credentials=credentials)
result = service.tasks().lease(leaseSecs=30, taskqueue='videos', project='project_name', numTasks=1).execute()

I was getting a HttpError 403 "you are not allowed to make this api call".

However, I ran the following command update_queues . and now I seem to be able to connect to the taskqueue API.

However, I don't seem to be able to lease any tasks. When I print the result from the above code, I get: {u'kind': u'taskqueue#tasks'}. However, if I check for 'items' in result it returns empty. I can verify there are tasks in the taskqueue by going to the dev console at localhost:8000

Any help would be MUCH APPRECIATED

