SpriteKit joint: follow the body

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-07 16:11:26

"All the remaining snake's pieces should follow the head - they should travel exactly the same path that head was some time ago."

You should note that with Physics joints you are likely going to have variance no matter what you do. Even if you have it close to perfect you'll have rounding errors under the hood making the path not exact.

If all the tail parts are equal you can also use a different approach, this is something I've done for a comet tail. Basically the idea is that you have an array of tail objects and per-frame move move the last tail-object always to the same position as the head-object. If the head-object has a higher z-position the tail is drawn below it.

If you need to keep your tail in order you could vary the approach by storing an array of head-positions (per-frame path) and then place the tail objects along that path in your per-frame update call to the snake.

See my code below for example:

These are you head-object variables:

var tails = [SKEmitterNode]()
var tailIndex = 0

In your head init function instantiate the tail objects:

for _ in 0...MAX_TAIL_INDEX
            if let remnant = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "FireTail.sks")

Call the below per-frame:

func drawTail()
    if tails.count > tailIndex
        tails[tailIndex].particleSpeed = velocity() / 4
        tails[tailIndex].emissionAngle = zRotation - CGFloat(M_PI_2) // opposite direction
        tails[tailIndex].position = position
        tailIndex = tailIndex < MAX_TAIL_INDEX ? tailIndex + 1 : 0

The resulting effect is actually really smooth when you call it from the scene update() function.
