
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "FileSi...

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-17 08:54:43
请求阿里云的OSS接口图片信息,返回json格式的数据,通过ObjectMapper将json转为Image对象时候报错转换失败 将json转对象的代码: String jsonStr = "{\n" + " \"FileSize\": {\"value\": \"25929\"},\n" + " \"Format\": {\"value\": \"jpg\"},\n" + " \"ImageHeight\": {\"value\": \"200\"},\n" + " \"ImageWidth\": {\"value\": \"300\"},\n" + " \"ResolutionUnit\": {\"value\": \"1\"},\n" + " \"XResolution\": {\"value\": \"100/1\"},\n" + " \"YResolution\": {\"value\": \"100/1\"}}"; ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); Image image = objectMapper.readValue(jsonStr, Image.class);    报错信息: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc

java 解析json超大文件(转)

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-16 16:40:35
https://www.yiibai.com/jackson/jackson_tree_model.html 从JSON创建树 ObjectMapper提供一个指针树的根节点在读取JSON之后。根节点可用于遍历完全树。考虑下面的代码片段获得提供JSON字符串的根节点。 //Create an ObjectMapper instance ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper (); String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"Mahesh Kumar\", \"age\":21,\"verified\":false,\"marks\": [100,90,85]}" ; //create tree from JSON JsonNode rootNode = mapper . readTree ( jsonString ); 遍历树模型 使用相对路径来根节点在遍历树,并处理该数据得到的每个节点。考虑下面的代码片段遍历提供的根节点的树。 JsonNode nameNode = rootNode . path ( "name" ); System . out . println ( "Name: " + nameNode . getTextValue ()); JsonNode marksNode = rootNode .

Need MixIn Resolution for non-static Inner Class using ObjectMapper - Java 6

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-11 06:44:54
问题 I'm facing an issue while using ObjectMapper for non-static inner class. I need to create MixIn to make it work but could not reach to the solution. Below is my class(which I can't change) and the MixIn, I tried. Help needed to create such MixIn. ============================ Base Class public class NestedClass implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4509619645418618657L; private NestedInnerClass innerClass; public NestedClass() { innerClass = null; setInnerClass

Need MixIn Resolution for non-static Inner Class using ObjectMapper - Java 6

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-11 06:43:59
问题 I'm facing an issue while using ObjectMapper for non-static inner class. I need to create MixIn to make it work but could not reach to the solution. Below is my class(which I can't change) and the MixIn, I tried. Help needed to create such MixIn. ============================ Base Class public class NestedClass implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4509619645418618657L; private NestedInnerClass innerClass; public NestedClass() { innerClass = null; setInnerClass

LocalDate Serialization: date as array?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-10 14:53:48
问题 I use Java 11 and want to serialize/deserialize LocalDate/LocalDateTime as String. Okay. I added dependency: <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-datatype-jsr310</artifactId> <version>${jackson.version}</version> </dependency> and module: @Bean public ObjectMapper objectMapper() { return new ObjectMapper() .registerModule(new JavaTimeModule()) .configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false) .enable(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT


邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-09 03:38:53
对openfeign不清楚的同学可以先看我这篇文章: springboot~openfeign从此和httpClient说再见 对于openfeign来说,帮助我们解决了服务端调用服务端的问题,你不需要关心服务端的URI,只需要知道它在eureka里的服务名称即可,同时你与服务端确定了服务方法的参数和返回值之后,我们可以在单元测试时mock这些服务端方法即可,真正做到了单元测试,而不需要与外界资源进行交互。 今天主要说一下在openfeign里读取JSON文件的问题,我们将测试所需要的数据存储到文件里,在修改时关注点比较单纯。 JSON帮助类,主要使用了objectMapper这个对象 /** * 将json转换为对象. * * @param path 文件路径 */ public <T> T fromJson(String path, Class<T> cls) { try { return objectMapper.readValue( this .fromResource(path, Charsets.UTF_8), cls); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("读取json失败:" + path, e); } } /** * 将json数组转换为对象列表. * * @param path

ObjectMapper using TypeReference not working when passed type in generic method

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-07 20:53:14
问题 This is the method: protected <T> TestPageResult<T> getTestPageResutForRequest(MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request) throws Exception { String responseJson = mockMvc.perform(request).andReturn().getResponse() .getContentAsString(); TestPageResult<T> response = getObjectMapper().readValue(responseJson, new TypeReference<TestPageResult<T>>() { }); return response; } I call it like this: TestPageResult<SomeDto> pageResult = this.<SomeDto>getTestPageResutForRequest(getRequest()); TestPageResult

ObjectMapper using TypeReference not working when passed type in generic method

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-07 20:53:04
问题 This is the method: protected <T> TestPageResult<T> getTestPageResutForRequest(MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request) throws Exception { String responseJson = mockMvc.perform(request).andReturn().getResponse() .getContentAsString(); TestPageResult<T> response = getObjectMapper().readValue(responseJson, new TypeReference<TestPageResult<T>>() { }); return response; } I call it like this: TestPageResult<SomeDto> pageResult = this.<SomeDto>getTestPageResutForRequest(getRequest()); TestPageResult

ObjectMapper using TypeReference not working when passed type in generic method

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-07 20:53:00
问题 This is the method: protected <T> TestPageResult<T> getTestPageResutForRequest(MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request) throws Exception { String responseJson = mockMvc.perform(request).andReturn().getResponse() .getContentAsString(); TestPageResult<T> response = getObjectMapper().readValue(responseJson, new TypeReference<TestPageResult<T>>() { }); return response; } I call it like this: TestPageResult<SomeDto> pageResult = this.<SomeDto>getTestPageResutForRequest(getRequest()); TestPageResult


雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-01 18:53:00
一、背景 工程为springboot框架,现需要统一将服务端接口返回数据内的时间格式定为 "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"。 二、方法一 在bean上面添加注解 @JsonFormat,指定数据格式,代码如下: @NoArgsConstructor @Data public class Article { /** * id : 1 * author : xxx * title : dddd * content : sss * createTime : ssss * reader : [{"name":"ss","age":11}] */ private int id; private String author; private String title; private String content; private String createTime; private List<ReaderBean> reader; @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss") private Date date; @NoArgsConstructor @Data public static class ReaderBean { /** * name : ss * age : 11 */ private String name; private int