I have created a simple project using storyboards containing just a UIDatePicker with mode=Date (so that dates appear like "November" "28" "2011").
Within Instruments UI Automation I am trying to set the values of the individual date picker wheels.
I can successfully use the selectValue() method to set the wheels which contains numeric values but cannot manage to set text value of the month e.g. "November".
This works..
but this doesn't..
I get the error: Script threw an uncaught JavaScript error: - selectValue is not supported on a picker with undefined values
I have done a UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().logElementTree()
and can see the value is correct:
UIAPickerWheel: value:November rect:{{1, 142}, {146, 216}}
Please can anyone advise on what I might be doing wrong, many thanks.
This has been remedied in the latest version of xcode (4.5.2)
It will now work.
while(monthWheel.value() != "June"){
monthWheel.tapWithOptions({tapOffset:{x:0.5, y:0.33}});
value is not variable, it is a function so you should call value()
on month wheel like I used.
and tapWithOptions()
will take you to next row in the wheel.
I would tap until my value is the one I want. Since the value set is 12 months, it'll roll around.
while(target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().pickers()[0].wheels()[0].value != "November"){
For anyone using Appium see this page here on the discussion board: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/appium-discuss/uYdRTdQDvpU/2I7KSFHnqFwJ
The flow goes like this:
- get your picker element (tag name: picker)
- get all the wheels for that picker (tag name: pickerwheel)
- you can list values for that wheel by doing element.getAttribute("values")
- you can set the value by doing element.setValue(myNewValue)
The last step is wrong and you need to use sendKeys() instead of setValue()
For a real example like how I used it would be something like this
String pickerWheelLocation = "UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[3].pickers()[0].elements()[0]"
By pickerWheelBy = MobileBy.IosUIAutomation(pickerWheelLocation)
IOSElement pickerWheel = WebDriverHelper.getDriver().findElement(pickerWheelBy);
pickerWheel.sendKeys("New Value");
IOSElement doneButton = WebDriverHelper.getDriver().findElement(MobileBy.IosUIAutomation("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[2].toolbars()[0].buttons()["Done"]"));
Just find all the values of the particular picker wheel using
var pickerWheel1Values = picker.wheels()[1]. values();
and if you want to set November just do
picker.wheels()[index]. selectValue (pickerWheel1Values[10]);