S3 file to local using luigi raises UnicodeDecodeError

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-07 06:09:17
Alexey Grigorev

It seems that you're dealing with a binary file as if it was text - but it's not. You probably need to do something like this:

with self.input().open('r') as i, self.output().open('w') as o:

(not tested!)

Also, I think you may find this answer useful: Python writing binary files, bytes

I ended using luigi.s3.S3Clientand the method get which copies a binary file from/to the s3.

Snippet of code:

import luigi

class ATask(luigi.Task):
    s3_path = luigi.Parameter()
    local_path = luigi.Parameter()

    def run(self):
        client = luigi.s3.S3Client()
        client.get(s3_path, local_path)  ## This gets the file

I think that the underlying reason is that luigi uses boto for getting/putting files from/to the s3. (As you can see in the source code)

Another option would be to use the format kwarg luigi.format.Nop to Target to indicate that it is a binary file that is being read.


def output(self):
    return LocalTarget(target, format=luigi.format.Nop)