There are a few options for standard user to run as Administrator (or any another user), however, even when logged as Administrator, some functions requires to run 'elevated'.
On a windows gui, just right click a .exe
and select run as Administrator
or even elevate 'cmd' or 'powershell'.
How can you get elevated privileges on Windows core?
Generally, to programmatically invoke an executable with elevation (Run as Administrator) on Windows, use the Start-Process
cmdlet with -Verb RunAs
This applies equally to pwsh.exe
, the PowerShell Core executable, so that in the simplest case you can write:
# Open a new console window with PowerShell Core running with admin privileges.
Start-Process -Verb RunAs pwsh
If you wanted to wrap that in a convenience function that is also more robust and cross-edition on Windows (also works in Windows PowerShell):
function Enter-AdminPSSession {
Start-Process -Verb RunAs (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path
# Optionally also define a short alias name:
# Note: 'psadmin' is a nonstandard alias name; a more conformant name would be
# the somewhat clunky 'etasn'
# ('et' for 'Enter', 'a' for admin, and 'sn'` for session)
Set-Alias psadmin Enter-AdminPSSession
If you want the function to also be cross-platform (to also work on Unix-like platforms):
function Enter-AdminPSSession {
if ($env:OS -eq 'Windows_NT') {
Start-Process -Verb RunAs (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path
} else {
sudo (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path
Important: Due to the cmdlets / utilities involved,
on Windows, the new session invariably opens in a new console window.
- The fact that the new session is an admin session is reflected in its window's title (prefix
- The fact that the new session is an admin session is reflected in its window's title (prefix
on Unix (Linux, macOS), the new session invariably opens in the same console (terminal) window.
- On Unix there is no obvious indicator that an admin session has been entered; running
is a quick way to test for that (returnsroot
in an admin session); a better solution would be to modify theprompt
function to reflect an admin session in the prompt string.
- On Unix there is no obvious indicator that an admin session has been entered; running
If you additionally want the ability to run commands in the new session and optionally auto-close it, much more work is needed.
If you download script Enter-AdminPSSession.ps1
(an MIT-licensed Gist), you can run commands such as the following:
# Example: Synchronously run an MSI installer with elevation
# and exit on completion.
Enter-AdminPSSession -Exit { Start-Process msiexec -Args '/qn /i package.msi' }
# Check for success via $LASTEXITCODE
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Installation failed." }
Additionally, the script:
prefixes the prompt string in interactive elevated sessions with
ensures that the calling session's current location (working directory) is also the elevated session's current location.