Zend Framework 2: How to get ServiceLocator in validation class

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-06 12:57:54

You should inject the dependencies of the validator into the validator. You could do that through the options array when you assign the validator to a form field. I wrote up some sample code to demonstrate what I mean:


namespace Application\Validator;

use Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator;

class MyValidation extends AbstractValidator
    protected $tableGateway;

    public function __construct($options = null)
        if ($options && is_array($options) && array_key_exists('tableGateway', $options))
            $this->tableGateway = $options['tableGateway'];

    public function isValid($value)
        // ...

As for the form you can either implement the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface, so it gets automatically injected with the service locator, or else inject specific dependencies into the form using a factory for the form.

Here's how you would do it using the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface:


namespace Register\Form;

use Zend\Form\Form;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterProviderInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;

class MyForm extends Form implements InputFilterProviderInterface, ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
    protected $servicelocator;

    public function __construct()
                'name' => 'myfield',
                'attributes' => array(
                        'type' => 'text',
                'options' => array(
                        'label' => 'Field 1'

    public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
        $this->servicelocator = $serviceLocator;

    public function getServiceLocator()
        return $this->servicelocator;

    public function getInputFilterSpecification()
        return array(
            'myfield' => array(
                'required'    => true,
                'filters'     => array(),
                'validators'  => array(
                            'name'    => 'Application\Validator\MyValidator',
                            'options' => array(
                                'tableGateway'    => $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Application\Model\RegisterTable'),

Also it's not clear to me why you are instantiating a Controller in your validator class. You really shouldn't do that.

I opted for a different approach.

Instead of passing the dependency from the form to the validator, I pass it from the form to the ValidatorManager, which is automatically injected on each validator that implements the ServiceLocatorAware Interface.


// Form
public function getInputFilterSpecification(){
    $filter = new InputFilter();
    $factory = new InputFactory();

    // Inject SM into validator manager
    $pm = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("ValidatorManager");

    $validatorChain = $factory->getDefaultValidatorChain();

    // Your validators here..

// Validator
class MyValidator extends AbstractValidator implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface {

     * SM
     * @var ServiceLocatorInterface
    private $serviceLocator;

     * Validate
    public function isValid($email){

        // Get the application config
        $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->getServiceLocator()->get("config");


     * ServiceLocatorAwarr method
     * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
     * @return \Application\Module
    public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator){
        $this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;
        return $this;

     * ServiceLocatorAwarr method
     * @return ServiceLocatorInterface
    public function getServiceLocator(){
        return $this->serviceLocator;