Fuzzy match row in one column with same row in next column

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-06 11:29:28

Maybe try tokenization + phonetic matching:

df <- read.table(header=T, sep=";", text="
Names                    ;Sentences
Airplanes Sarl           ;Airplanes-Sàrl is part of Airplanes-Group Sarl. 
Kidco Ltd.               ;Airplanes-Sàrl is part of Airplanes-Group Sarl. 
Kidco Ltd.               ;100% ownership of Kidco.Ltd. is the mother company.
Popsi Co.                ;Cola Inc. is 50% share of PopsiCo which is part of LaLo.
Popsi Co.                ;Cola Inc. is 50% share of Popsi Co which is part of LaLo.")
f <- soundex
tokens <- tokenize(as.character(df$Sentences), ngrams = 1:2) # 2-grams to catch "Popsi Co"
tokens <- lapply(tokens, f)
mapply(is.element, soundex(df$Names), tokens)
 # A614  K324  K324  P122  P122 

Here's a solution using the method I suggested in the comments, in this example it works well:


df <- as.data.frame(matrix(c("Airplanes Sarl","Airplanes-Sàrl is part of Airplanes-Group Sarl.",
                             "Kidco Ltd.","100% ownership of Kidco.Ltd. is the mother company.",
                             "Popsi Co.","Cola Inc. is 50% share of PopsiCo which is part of LaLo.",
                             "some company","It is a truth universally acknowledged...",
                             "Hello world",list(NULL)),

null_elements <- which(sapply(df$Sentences,is.null))
df$Sentences[null_elements] <- "" # replacing NULLs to avoid errors
df$dist <- mapply(stringdist,df$Names,df$Sentences)
df$n2 <- nchar(df$Sentences)
df$n1 <- nchar(df$Names)
df$match_quality <- df$dist-(df$n2-df$n1)
cutoff <- 2
df$match <- df$match_quality <= cutoff
df$Sentences[null_elements] <- list(NULL) # setting null elements back to initial value
df$match[null_elements] <- NA # optional, set to FALSE otherwise, as it will prevent some false positives if Names is shorter than cutoff

# Names                                                Sentences dist n2 n1 match_quality match
# 1 Airplanes Sarl          Airplanes-Sàrl is part of Airplanes-Group Sarl.   33 47 14             0  TRUE
# 2     Kidco Ltd.      100% ownership of Kidco.Ltd. is the mother company.   42 51 10             1  TRUE
# 3      Popsi Co. Cola Inc. is 50% share of PopsiCo which is part of LaLo.   48 56  9             1  TRUE
# 4   some company                It is a truth universally acknowledged...   36 41 12             7 FALSE
# 5    Hello world                                                     NULL   11  0 11            22    NA