I have the following models:
class GrandParent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :parents
has_many :children, through: :parents
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :children
belongs_to :grand_parent
class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
I'd like to find all Children where the a child's grand_parent has a value equal to TRUE, but I'm having trouble getting the syntax right. Something like:
Child.where(grand_parent.value: TRUE)
You need to join the models in-between to be able to reference GrandParent
so you would have to join Parent
first and then filter.
Child.joins(parent: [:grand_parent]).where('grand_parents.value is TRUE')
Just to verify though, is value an actual column on the grand_parents
table or do you just want to get all the children
that have associated grand_parents
if so...
Child.joins(parent: [:grand_parent])
should work
if you want to get all the children without associated grand_parent
objects you can do
Child.joins(:parent).where('not exists(select 1 from grand_parents where grand_parents.id = parents.grand_parent_id')
it would be slightly different if there's a join table in between like a grand_parent_parents
Child.joins(:parent).where('not exists(select 1 from grand_parent_parents where grand_parent_parents.parent_id = parent.id')