How does one protect a web application sold on a per license basis from piracy?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-06 08:35:45

What are you talking about is analogous of a trojan into commercial software. Why would anybody pay for software that sends monitoring beacons out to the web?

Instead you could simply sell the software with a licensing scheme and provide services that require valid licenses. That way people who steal your software cannot obtain security patches, support, or upgrades, and other goodies. If you do not have a business ready to support the software you are about to sell then you may not be ready to sell your software at this time.

A less expensive alternative to Zend Guard is IonCube

@austin cheney I will top him for that. I don't recommend you encrypting your software, nor OBfuscate it. This will take freedom away from your user. Why don't you just do like IPB? Call every hosting that host your illegal software :)

@Jeff You will need a host. Search for pinging on google. Hide the ping script in your script and let it ping your server script which you can record the IP and Domain?
