How to control the sound volume of (audio buffer) AudioContext()?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-06 06:07:39


I have following AudioContext() sound object in JavaScript.
Its volume is 100%. I want to play its volume in 10% (where volume = 0.1).
How can I reduce its volume to 10%?

const aCtx = new AudioContext();
let source = aCtx.createBufferSource();
let buf;
fetch('') // can be XHR as well
  .then(resp => resp.arrayBuffer())
  .then(buf => aCtx.decodeAudioData(buf)) // can be callback as well
  .then(decoded => {
    source.buffer = buf = decoded;
    source.loop = true;
    check.disabled = false;

check.onchange = e => {
  if (check.checked) {
    source.start(0); // start our bufferSource
  } else {
    source.stop(0); // this destroys the buffer source
    source = aCtx.createBufferSource(); // so we need to create a new one
    source.buffer = buf;
    source.loop = true;
<label>Start Playing</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="check" disabled><br>
<br>Its volume is 100%. Please help me to reduce it to 10%.


We use GainNodes to control the volume.

var gainNode = aCtx.createGain()
gainNode.gain.value = 0.1 // 10 %

// now instead of connecting to aCtx.destination, connect to the gainNode


const aCtx = new AudioContext();

const gainNode = aCtx.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = 0.1; // setting it to 10%

let source = aCtx.createBufferSource();
let buf;
fetch('') // can be XHR as well
  .then(resp => resp.arrayBuffer())
  .then(buf => aCtx.decodeAudioData(buf)) // can be callback as well
  .then(decoded => {
    source.buffer = buf = decoded;
    source.loop = true;

    check.disabled = false;

check.onchange = e => {
  if (check.checked) {
    source.start(0); // start our bufferSource
  } else {
    source.stop(0); // this destroys the buffer source
    source = aCtx.createBufferSource(); // so we need to create a new one
    source.buffer = buf;
    source.loop = true;
<label>Start Playing</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="check" disabled><br>
<br>Its volume is 100%. Please help me to reduce it to 10%.


You can use createGain of AudioContext for that puporse.

As shown below,

For more information checkout on createGain

    const aCtx = new AudioContext();
    let source = aCtx.createBufferSource();
    let buf;

    var gainNode = aCtx.createGain(); // Create a gainNode reference.
    gainNode.connect(aCtx.destination); // Add context to gainNode

fetch('') // can be XHR as well
      .then(resp => resp.arrayBuffer())
      .then(buf => aCtx.decodeAudioData(buf)) // can be callback as well
      .then(decoded => {
        source.buffer = buf = decoded;
        source.loop = true;

        source.connect(gainNode);   //Connecting gain to source
        gainNode.gain.value = 1;  // 100% VOLUME RANGE OF VALUE IS 0-1

        check.disabled = false;

   check.onchange = e => {
      if (check.checked) {
        source.start(0); // start our bufferSource
      } else {
        source.stop(0); // this destroys the buffer source
        source = aCtx.createBufferSource(); // so we need to create a new one
        source.buffer = buf;
        source.loop = true;

        source.connect(gainNode);   //Connecting gain to source
        gainNode.gain.value = 0.1;  // 10% VOLUME RANGE OF VALUE IS 0-1

