I'm using Symfony2 and the FOSUserBundle to manage registration and logins. I'd like to add a captcha system. Is there are pre-existing bundle or tutorial on this?
Of course, I could try to roll my own using Google re-captcha. In that case, is Google reCaptcha a good choice, or should I use some other API?
There are indeed a bundles for that, take a look at:
Both got (most likely) all the documentation you need added in the README.md file or extended documentation.
I just wrote a tiny bundle called caitcha-bundle.
According to this part of the fos user bundle documenation implementation should be quite easy because you only have to activate the caitcha bundle and add $builder->add('caitcha', 'caitcha');
to the form type.
Because captcha images and any other approaches that require some user interaction which is not related to the form itself are very annoying in my optinion, I tried to implement an invisible bot protection by using the honeypot method and a check for the time it took to fill in the form. It works well for my use cases but still has to be extended by more checks I suppose. I would appreciate any suggestions to improve this bundle.