Why does fprintf behave differently in text mode compared to a properly set carriage return in normal mode?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-06 02:15:41

In my understanding it does

fprintf(fid, '%s', strrep(message, sprintf('\n'), sprintf('\r\n'))

If you do

fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n', message)

you're only adding one carriage return and a newline at the very end of your message, which is after "world\n".The newline character between "hello" and "world" remains without carriage return.

So in your fprintf your message is "hello\nworld\n\r\n", where it should be "hello\r\nworld\r\n"

You can check this by reading the output file in bytes, knowing that \n will be a 10 as uint8 and \r a 13:

>> fid = fopen('test.txt','wt');
>> fprintf(fid, 'hello\nworld\n');
>> fclose(fid);
>> fid = fopen('test.txt','r');
>> bytes = fread(fid, Inf, 'uint8')'

bytes =

   104   101   108   108   111    13    10   119   111   114   108   100    13    10