How to change Color define in Xaml Resources in code (UWP)

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-05 23:41:14

StaticResource and ThemeResource doesn't support dynamic change as you try like DynamicResource in WPF. BTW if you reload the view like navigating back and forward you can see the changes but this is not a good solution.

Other hand, you can achieve some dynamic change with ThemeResource and change eg. colors depend on the current theme (Dark, Light, High Contrast)

Futher reading:

If you know it's a SolidColorBrush then modify the Color property directly.

var brush = (SolidColorBrush)Application.Current.Resources["MyColor"];
brush.Color = Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 242, 101, 34);

You can't change the resources, but you can modify their properties if you have access.

I did it in the following way:


            <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Dark">
                <Color x:Key="UserAccentColor">#FFFFA500</Color>
                <SolidColorBrush x:Key="UserAccentBrush" Color="{StaticResource UserAccentColor}"/>
            <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Light">
                <Color x:Key="UserAccentColor">#FFFFA500</Color>
                <SolidColorBrush x:Key="UserAccentBrush" Color="{StaticResource UserAccentColor}"/>

Change color:

foreach (var dict in App.Current.Resources.ThemeDictionaries)
    var theme = dict.Value as Windows.UI.Xaml.ResourceDictionary;
    ((SolidColorBrush)theme["UserAccentBrush"]).Color = color;
Ritesh Patel
(App.Current.Resources["MyColor"] as SolidColorBrush).Color = Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 242, 101, 34);