How to fix? Wordpress wp-markdown plugin corrupted syntax-highlighter-evolved plugin posts?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-05 23:18:50

The doggone markdown plugin translates posts from HTML to markdown when it loads them for editing, and translates them back when you Update them. I've had the same problem with code getting trashed. This is a big pain. (I fixed it with a backup.)

My solution is to use gists -- on -- to display my code. The oEmbed Gist plugin makes that work very well.

Take a look at Highlight.js, it's very good and supports many languages:

Hightlight.js - Quick Start Demo

Sorry I am to late.

You can edit the "SyntaxHighlighter" plugin.

  1. open "SyntaxHighlighter" plugin, edit it
  2. wordpress will open syntaxhighlighter.php
  3. search and romove all "htmlspecialchars" and "htmlspecialchars_decode" string.(maybe you need backup it)
  4. save it

I used this fixed success.

My Englist is bad, but I tried my best, hope that may help for you

I think you may try this WordPress Markdown Plugin

It's very easy to use, just like this:

c++ codes goes here...

Source code:
