How can I access the commited file from a Subversion pre-commit hook in Perl?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-05 10:48:05

pre-commit hook:

my $repos = shift;
my $txn = shift;

foreach my $line (`$svnlook changed -t $txn "$repos"`)
  if ($line !~ /^([AUD]).\s\s(.+)$/)
    print STDERR "Can't parse [$line].\n";
    my $action = $1;
    my $file = $2;
    #If path has trailing slash, then it is a folder and we want to skip folders
    if($file =~ /\/$/)
    my $fileContent = `$svnlook cat -t $txn "$repos" "$file"`;
    if ($action =~ /[AU]/)
       my @lines = split(/\n/, $fileContent );
       #Check for whatever you need in this file's content


It sounds like you've got the foundation figured out already:

  • get list of all files being committed
  • search each one of them in turn for particular text
  • if text is found, reject commit

You'll find some information on writing pre-commit hooks in the manual.

It should not be too difficult to modify this example in Python to do what you want. See also the hooks subdirectory of your repository for some templates and hook scripts and contributed hook scripts.
