Java Webstart with Tibco Native Libs

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-05 08:47:13

I've managed to get it working. The trouble is that the call to System.loadLibrary when using Webstart doesn't load in the dependencies of the specified library even if they have been packaged up into a nativelib jar.

See for more info.

To get around this problem it is necessary to explicity load all of the dependencies in the correct order. It is also necessary to put each dll library into its own jar file.

So to use native TibrvJ you need to make the following calls before any calls to Tibrv.Open.


Happy Days!

I think you have encountered a problem with Webstart.

Some years ago, I had a Webstart application using Java 3D that didn't work on Macs. Eventually I found that all Macs some with an old version of Java 3D installed, and that already installed version was used over the newer version that I had included in the in my JNLP file. Your problem sounds almost exactly like this, so it could very well be the same problem.
