How do I create a catch all route with the new Attribute routing in MVC
I tried this:
[Route("{pagenode}", Order = 999)]
But when I have a named route like
I get the "Multiple controller types were found that match the URL. This can happen if attribute routes on multiple controllers match the requested URL."
You can't do this with Attribute routing, do this the MVC4 way:
Map a route in your routemapper like this:
routes.MapRoute("RouteName","{*url}",new { controller = "YourFancyController", action = "YourAction" });
This will be your catch-all Route.
If you would like to map all the routes to their controller you can do this:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
This can be done with Attribute Routing if the first "directory" in the path is fixed.
For example, to match anything that hits /questions
or /questions/4
or /questions/answers/42
then you would use [Route("questions/{*catchall}"]
The ability to do this must have changed.
In my default controller, still called 'Home' I have one result method which I want executed for an unrecognised URL structure. The routing attribute is: [Route("{*catchall}")]
. This is successfully executed for any old thing.
I have a second method which is always successfully executed based on its route (and I've thrown a few route 'styles' at it to see if it always works). I can only assume that the framework always registers the catch-all route last as this is the behaviour I'm seeing.
This is also a brand new, not configured (except for nuGet packages) MVC 5 project excepting that my methods have been changed to return JsonResult (not even doing their job yet but returning little anonymously typed objects). The catch-all for example returns: Json(new { Message = "Invalid Request" }
, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
). Yes, yes I set the StatusCode first etc etc, this isn't about MY project ;).
I'm sure I haven't left anything out since there's so little to it but if any clarification is wanted I'll see about adding it.