Getting nested iframes with Facebooker in iframe app

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-04 19:13:50

Turns out ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user is deprecated because of a change in Facebook's API. I plan to update the Facebooker documentation with this information soon.

I experienced the same thing with nested iframes, so I used "ensure_authenticated_to_facebook" instead. The only gotcha was that after the user installed the app, it would redirect them to my domain and not the facebook iframe page. After doing some tweaking in facebooker, I decided to hard code :canvas=>"true" in this method which is in lib/facebooker/rails/controller.rb line 189

def create_new_facebook_session_and_redirect!
      session[:facebook_session] = new_facebook_session
      next_url = after_facebook_login_url || default_after_facebook_login_url
      #top_redirect_to session[:facebook_session].login_url({:next => next_url, :canvas=>params[:fb_sig_in_canvas]}) unless @installation_required
      top_redirect_to session[:facebook_session].login_url({:next => next_url, :canvas=>"true"}) unless @installation_required

I wrote a tutorial on this fix in my blog -
