Suicide: Objective-C objects calling their own -dealloc methods on themselves

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-04 19:11:57

Is it good practice for an object in Objective-C to commit suicide? That is, for an object to declare [self dealloc] where -dealloc permits an orderly wind down as usual? What are the principal risks?


The only time you should ever write a call to dealloc is to send dealloc to the super object in the dealloc method of one of your classes. No exceptions.

If you try to send dealloc to an object at any other time, you risk leaving other objects with dangling pointers. Don't do it.

Should you ever send release to self? That is a different matter, but you should still follow the Memory Management Rules. If you have sent retain to self, then at some point you will need to send release to self. There is one exception which is in init, if initialisation fails you have to release self and return nil (I guess you could claim that alloc has sent retain to self).

You shouldn't be calling -dealloc. Instead call [self release] so the reference count goes to 0 and let the system call -dealloc.
