Laravel Valet - This Site Can't Be Reached

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-04 14:41:08

Go to your site folder and execute the following commands:

cd your_project
composer global update
valet uninstall
rm -rf ~/.valet
rm -rf ~/.config/valet
valet install
valet park
valet link
valet open

It fixed this issue for me.

Mac os mojave - version 10.14, cd in your-project-folder-name and run valet secure your-project-folder-name

Have you actually started the valet service? Head over to the directory that you ran

$valet park

in, I'm assuming it's where you've also placed your project and type:

$valet start

into the terminal. That works for me.

Be sure you're over http://app.test and not https://app.test

Laravel Valet uses Not secure http as default.

By the way if you want to secure your app then use

valet secure YOURAPPNAME