Loading .swc assets into array, in pure Actionscript 3 project

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-04 12:36:14

You have at least 2 options.

Option1: Given the fact that a SWC file is a zip file that contains a swf with the embedded assets and an xml file describing the contents, you can load the swc as a zip, get the xml and parse it.

var swcLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest('assets/assetsLib.swc'));
   swcLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
   swcLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swcLoaded);

function swcLoaded(event:Event):void{
   var zipFile:ZipFile = new ZipFile(event.target.data);
   for(var i:int = 0; i < zipFile.entries.length; i++) {
    var entry:ZipEntry = zipFile.entries[i];
    if(entry.name == 'catalog.xml'){
     var data:ByteArray = zipFile.getInput(entry);
     var list:XML = new XML(zipFile.getInput(entry));
     var nodes:XMLList = list.children();
     for (var j:int = 0; j < nodes.length(); j++) {
      if (nodes[j].name().localName == "libraries") {
            var libraries:XML = nodes[j];
            var libList:XMLList = libraries.children();
            for(var k:int = 0 ; k < libList.length(); k++){
             var library:XML = libList[k];
             var classList:XMLList = library.children();
             for(var l:int = 0 ; l < classList.length(); l++){
              var classDef:XML = classList[l];
              trace('class name: ' + classDef.@name);
              //var LibClass:Class = this.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(classDef.@name) as Class;

I am using the nochump library.

Option2: Since you only need the class names to make your like easier and you mentioned using Flash CS4(which makes me assume you have access to the .fla file generating the swc), you can write a simple jsfl script that will write that line of code for you.

var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var libItems = doc.library.items;
var libItemsNum = libItems.length;
var classesString = 'var '+doc.name.substr(0,doc.name.length-4)+'Classes = [';
var classesNum = 0;
var classes = [];

for(var i = 0 ; i < libItemsNum; i++){
  classes[classesNum] = libItems[i].linkageClassName;
for(i = 0; i < classesNum; i++){
 if(i < classesNum-1) classesString += '"'+classes[i]+'",';
 else      classesString += '"'+classes[i]+'"];';

All you need to do is: File > New > Flash Javascript File and paste the code. Save it in the Commands folder with a descriptive name, like: listExportClasses. Since it's in the Commands menu, if you use this often enough you could add a keyboard shortcut.

What the command will is generate an array with the name of the fla file and contain the exported classes' names and conveniently place it in your clipboard.


var assetsLibClasses = ["Start1","Start2","Start3","Button","ColorBox","GameBackground","MenuBackground"];