While writing the URL mapping rules for Prettyfaces in pretty-config.xml
I would like to add a rule that whenever a particular pattern is observed in URL then set a specific constant value to bean property.
For e.g. when there is a pattern like ../products/electronics
then it should set bean property bean.category
. How do I do that ?
You should simply use a path parameter and convert the value from the URL to your constant in a page action method. Something like this:
<url-mapping id="products">
<pattern value="/products/#{bean.category}/" />
<view-id value="/faces/shop/store.jsf" />
And the action method:
public void action() {
if( "electronics".equals(this.category) ) {
this.category = "ELECTRONICS_ITEMS";
// more categories...
as i am using prettyfaces annotations i dont know about pretty-config.xml
if i got this condition then i will use it in annotations like this
@URLAction(mappingId = "someMappingId", onPostback = false)
public String setConstantValue() {
// set your bean here
return null;