If someone adds bot@mydomain.com to his Google Hangout contacts and sends it a Google+ Hangout Chat message, I want to set up an automatic reply to his chat from my server. Is there a way to do that??
I think Its possible using the Google+ Hangouts API but I cannot figure out how.
(mydomain.com uses Google Apps for Business)
Here's what you're looking: https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/api/gapi.hangout.data
Here's the event for message recieved: (callback) https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/api/gapi.hangout.data#gapi.hangout.data.onMessageReceived
And here's the event for sending the message: https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/api/gapi.hangout.data#gapi.hangout.data.sendMessage