To compile PJSIP library for iPhone device, I am using this code
make distclean && make clean
ARCH='-arch arm64' ./configure-iphone --enable-opus-codec
make dep
This code allows me to install my app for single architecture only. To compile pjsip for all the architectures (armv7, armv7s, arm64, i386, x86_64), Which command or tool I can use
Steps to compile for all devices.
- compile for all devices separately
- merge with lipo
-create /libsrtp-arm64-apple-darwin_ios.a /libsrtp-i386-apple-darwin_ios.a -output output_file_name
then use output_file_name.a
as a universal library for all device and simulator
to check supported architecture : output_file_name.a
lipo -info name_of_static_lib
output :
/libsrtp-universal-apple-darwin_ios.a are: armv7 armv7s i386 x86_64 arm64
Compile PJSIP 2.5 Library for all archietectures
--- One Way to build PJSIP libraries --- test with pjsip 2.6
//Updated for XCode 8.
Building PJSIP
$ cd /Users/ravimalviya/Developer/Dev2/trunk
//If you want to specify the minimum supported iOS version
//export MIN_IOS="-miphoneos-version-min=8.0"
Compile Library and Build For Default iPhone 4 use armv7 architecture
$ ./configure-iphone && make dep && make clean && make
Build For iPhone 5, use armv7s architecture
$ ARCH='-arch armv7s' ./configure-iphone && make dep && make clean && make
Build For iPhone 5s, use arm64 architecture
$ ARCH='-arch arm64' ./configure-iphone && make dep && make clean && make
Build For Simulator, use i386 architecture
export DEVPATH=/Applications/
ARCH="-arch i386" CFLAGS="-O2 -m32 -mios-simulator-version-min=5.0" LDFLAGS="-O2 -m32 -mios-simulator-version-min=5.0" ./configure-iphone
make dep && make clean && make
Build For Simulator, use x86_64 architecture
export DEVPATH=/Applications/
ARCH="-arch x86_64" CFLAGS="-O2 -m32 -mios-simulator-version-min=5.0" LDFLAGS="-O2 -m32 -mios-simulator-version-min=5.0" ./configure-iphone
make dep && make clean && make
The compilation result
Note add into project..
Combine resulting archtecture(arm64,armv7,armv7s,i386, x86_64) supported library .a file.
//goto directory where you collect all build library. create folder name arm64, armv7s, armv7, i386, x86_64 and put all library respectivly. each having only one arch supported library file.
//rename file in all these 5 folders it's a easy way to make universal library.
//Also create folder named unified where all unversal library will create.
$ export LIB_NAME="libg7221codec.a"
$ lipo -arch armv7 armv7/$LIB_NAME -arch armv7s armv7s/$LIB_NAME -arch arm64 arm64/$LIB_NAME -arch i386 i386/$LIB_NAME -arch x86_64 x86_64/$LIB_NAME -create -output unified/$LIB_NAME
//-arch armv7s armv7s/$LIB_NAME means support armv7s get library from directory armv7s/$LIB_NAME and $LIB_NAME file name that only support armv7s.
//-arch arm64 arm64/$LIB_NAME ............
//-arch armv7 armv7/$LIB_NAME ............
//-arch i386 i386/$LIB_NAME ..............
//-arch x86_64 x86_64/$LIB_NAME ..............
//unified/$LIB_NAME is directory where unversal library will build using lips. with same name $LIB_NAME that export. do it same.
//check which arch you lib is supporting
xcrun -sdk iphoneos lipo -info unified/$LIB_NAME
$ export LIB_NAME="libgsmcodec.a"
$ lipo -arch armv7 armv7/$LIB_NAME -arch armv7s armv7s/$LIB_NAME -arch arm64 arm64/$LIB_NAME -arch i386 i386/$LIB_NAME -arch x86_64 x86_64/$LIB_NAME -create -output unified/$LIB_NAME
$ export LIB_NAME="libilbccodec.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpj.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjlib-util.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjmedia-audiodev.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjmedia-codec.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjmedia-videodev.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjmedia.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjnath.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjsdp.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjsip-simple.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjsip-ua.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjsip.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjsua.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjsua.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libpjsua2.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libresample.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libspeex.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libsrtp.a"
$ .....same as above in lipo......
$ export LIB_NAME="libyuv.a"
$ lipo -arch armv7 armv7/$LIB_NAME -arch armv7s armv7s/$LIB_NAME -arch arm64 arm64/$LIB_NAME -arch i386 i386/$LIB_NAME -arch x86_64 x86_64/$LIB_NAME -create -output unified/$LIB_NAME
Note: Unversal libraries you can add into your project and also mention in library search path.
//In order to use the pjsip libraries, we need to include folder that ahve header files that access .a files. Naturally, the header files are located in:
Note: do't add into project..buz you can not import like import <pjsip-lib/pjsip.h>
so just place these folder into project directory where ever you want but mention in header search path.
Enjoy (:)
We wrote a cocoapod that will create a static library that you can include in your project. For the moment you can only use it in an Objective C cocoapod environment. We are working on a version that will create a dynamic library so it can be used with Swift.
Please check it out on:
We've made an open source wrapper that makes integrating PJSIP in your iOS project a lot easier:
the merge like this as posted
lipo -create /My\ Project/pjsip-universal/x86_64/libgsmcodec-x86_64-apple-darwin_ios.a /My\ Project/pjsip-universal/i386/libgsmcodec-i386-apple-darwin_ios.a /My\ Project/pjsip-universal/armv7s/libgsmcodec-armv7s-apple-darwin_ios.a /My\ Project/pjsip-universal/armv7/libgsmcodec-armv7-apple-darwin_ios.a /My\ Project/pjsip-universal/arm64/libgsmcodec-arm64-apple-darwin_ios.a -output /My\ Project/pjsip-universal/universal/libgsmcodec-universal-apple-darwin_ios.a
finally test it
lipo -info /My\ Project/pjsip-universal/libgsmcodec-universal-apple-darwin_ios.a
output: Architectures in the fat file: /My Project/pjsip-universal/libgsmcodec-universal-apple-darwin_ios.a are: i386 armv7s armv7 x86_64 arm64
Once you generate the universal architecture:
Follow this link to add in you project from this line in link
Adding the header files into the project
Hope this will help you.
You can check this project on GitHub, its author did a great job of building pjsip for all architectures, he even provided podspec for easy CocoaPods integration.
I am using this script to build pjsip for my archs.
I am running it in the pjsip root folder, it creates a uni folder containing the resulting libraries which I then link/add into my project.
ARCHS="armv7 armv7s arm64"
mkdir -p uni
echo "Compiling..."
for arch in $ARCHS
echo $arch
echo "=================================="
ARCH="-arch $arch" ./configure-iphone && make dep && make clean && make
echo "Done."
RESULT_PATHS="pjlib/lib pjlib-util/lib pjmedia/lib pjsip/lib pjnath/lib third_party/lib"
for path in $RESULT_PATHS
echo $path
for file in `ls $path/*-armv7-*`
library=`echo $file | sed "s/-armv7-\(.*$\)//g"`
library_tail=`echo $file | sed "s/.*-armv7-//g"`
lipo -arch armv7 $library-armv7-$library_tail -arch armv7s $library-armv7s-$library_tail -arch arm64 $library-arm64-$library_tail -create -output $library.a
cp -vi $library.a uni