I am trying to make Authlogic and Facebook Connect (using Facebook) play nice so that you can create an account either the normal registration way or with Facebook connect. I have been able to get the connect to work one way but logging out only loggs out on facebook and not on my site, I have to delete the cookies to make it working. Any help would be awesome, thank you!
Here's an example app I made using the Facebook Connect extension, authlogic and Open ID. It still needs some work, but it does function.
This is a good gem for that. http://github.com/viatropos/authlogic-connect
Have you tried the Facebook Connect extension for AuthLogic?
just tried omniauth with authlogic, that works like a charm btw, authlogic-connect is out-dated
You also have an example app to check (Authlogic + Omniauth) http://omniauth-authlogic-demo.heroku.com/