I'm attempting to combine a few PDF files into a single PDF file using Python. I've tried both PyPDF and PyPDF2 - on some files, they both throw this same error:
PdfReadError: EOF marker not found
Here's my code (page_files) is a list of PDF file paths to combine:
# use pypdf to combine pdf pages
output = PdfFileWriter()
for pf in page_files:
filestream = file(pf, "rb")
pdf = PdfFileReader(filestream)
for num in range(pdf.getNumPages()):
# write final file
outputStream = file(pdf_full_path, "wb")
I've read a few StackOverflow threads on the topic, but none contain a solution that works. If you've successfully combined PDF files using Python, I'd love to hear how. Thanks!
Is there is still someone looking for merging a "list" of pdfs:
Note: Using glob to get the correct filelist. <- this will really safe your day ^^
Check this out: glob module reference
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger, PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
import os
import glob
class MergeAllPDF:
def __init__(self):
self.mergelist = []
def create(self, filepath, outpath, outfilename):
self.outfilname = outfilename
self.filepath = filepath
self.outpath = outpath
self.pdfs = glob.glob(self.filepath)
self.myrange = len(self.pdfs)
for _ in range(self.myrange):
if self.pdfs:
def merge(self):
if self.mergelist:
self.merger = PdfFileMerger()
for pdf in self.mergelist:
self.merger.append(open(pdf, 'rb'))
self.merger.write(self.outpath + "%s.pdf" % (self.outfilname))
self.mergelist = []
print("mergelist is empty please check your input path")
# example how to use
#update your path here:
inpath = r"C:\Users\Fabian\Desktop\mergeallpdfs\scan\*.pdf" #here are your single page pdfs stored
outpath = r"C:\Users\Fabian\Desktop\mergeallpdfs\output\\" #here your merged pdf will be stored
b = MergeAllPDF()
b.create(inpath, outpath, "mergedpdf")