I have been browsing through several posts here but I just cannot get my head around batch-downloading images and text from a given URL with Python.
import urllib,urllib2
import urlparse
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import os, sys
def getAllImages(url):
query = urllib2.Request(url)
user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"
query.add_header("User-Agent", user_agent)
page = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(query))
for div in page.findAll("div", {"class": "thumbnail"}):
print "found thumbnail"
for img in div.findAll("img"):
print "found image"
src = img["src"]
if src:
src = absolutize(src, pageurl)
f = open(src,'wb')
for h5 in div.findAll("h5"):
print "found Headline"
value = (h5.contents[0])
print >> headlines.txt, value
def main():
Above is now some updated code. What happens, is nothing. The code does not get to find any div with a thumbnail, obviously, no result in any of the print.... So probably I am missing some pointers in getting to the right divs containing the images and headlines?
Thanks a lot!
The OS you are using doesn't know how to write to the file path you are passing it in src
. Make sure that the name you use to save the file to disk is one the OS can actually use:
src = "abc.com/alpha/beta/charlie.jpg"
with open(src, "wb") as f:
# IOError - cannot open file abc.com/alpha/beta/charlie.jpg
src = "alpha/beta/charlie.jpg"
with open(src, "wb" as f:
# Golden - write file here
and everything will start working.
A couple of additional thoughts:
- Make sure to normalize the save file path (e. g.
os.path.join(some_root_dir, *relative_file_path*)
) - otherwise you'll be writing images all over your hard drive depending on theirsrc
. - Unless you are running tests of some kind, it's good to advertise that you are a bot in your
string and honorrobots.txt
files (or alternately, provide some kind of contact information so people can ask you to stop if they need to).