Code Golf: Numeric Ranges

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-03 05:03:29
Jules Olléon

Python, 83 characters

def f(l,a=2):
 for x in l:
  b,a=a,(x+1in l)*(x-1in l)
  if a<1:print',- '[b],`x`,


>>> l=[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15]
>>> f(l)
  1 - 4 , 7 , 8 , 10 , 12 - 15
Keith Randall

Python, 98 characters

def f(a):
 for x in a:
  if x-1not in a or x+1not in a:print x,"-"if x+1in a and x+2in a else",",

Python - 86 characters

This one doesn't include an extra ',' at the end

f=lambda a:''.join(`x`+",-"[(x+1in a)&x+2in a]for x in a if(x-1in a)&(x+1in a)^1)[:-1]

Ruby, 165 characters

def o(a)print "#{@s}#{a[0]}#{"#{a.size<3?',':' -'} #{a[-1]}"if a.size>1}";@s=', 'end
ARGV[0].split(', ').each{|n|if a[0]&&a[-1].succ!=n;o(a);a=[]end;a<<n;};o(a)

C++, 166 characters

#define o std::cout
void f(std::vector<int> v){for(int i=0,b=0,z=v.size();i<z;)i==z-1||v[i+1]>v[i]+1?b?o<<", ":o,(i-b?o<<v[b]<<(i-b>1?" - ":", "):o)<<v[i],b=++i:++i;}

Don't you all just love abusing the ?: operator? ;)

More readable version:

#define o std::cout
void f(std::vector<int> v){
    for(int i=0,b=0,z=v.size();i<z;)
        i==z-1||v[i+1]>v[i]+1 ?
            b?o<<", ":o,
            (i-b?o<<v[b]<<(i-b>1?" - ":", "):o)<<v[i],

Common Lisp, 442/206 chars

(defun d (l)
  (if l
      (let ((f (car l))
        (r (d (cdr l))))
      (if r
          (if (= (+ f 1) (caar r))
          (push `(,f ,(cadar r)) (cdr r))
          (push `(,f ,f) r))
          `((,f ,f))

(defun p (l)
  (mapc #'(lambda (x)
          (if (= (car x) (cadr x))
          (format t "~a " (car x))
          (if (= (+ 1 (car x)) (cadr x))
              (format t "~a ~a " (car x) (cadr x))
              (format t "~a-~a " (car x) (cadr x)))))
      (d l)))

The "d" function rewrites the input list into a canonical form. For fun I did this entirely recursively. The "p" function formats the output to the equivalent of the reference implementation.

F#, 188 chars

let r(x::s)=
 let f=printf
 let p x=function|1->f"%A "x|2->f"%A %A "x (x+1)|n->f"%A-%A "x (x+n-1)
 let rec l x n=function|y::s when y=x+n->l x (n+1)s|y::s->p x n;l y 1 s|[]->p x n
 l x 1 s

More readable:

let range (x::xs) =
  let f = printf
  let print x = function
    | 1 -> f "%A " x
    | 2 -> f "%A %A " x (x+1)
    | n -> f "%A-%A " x (x+n-1)
  let rec loop x n = function
    | y::ys when y=x+n ->
        loop x (n+1) ys
    | y::ys ->
        print x n
        loop y 1 ys
    | [] ->
        print x n
  loop x 1 xs

Ruby : 123 characters

def y(n) t=[];r=[];n.each_with_index do |x,i| t<<x;if(x.succ!=n[i+1]);r=((t.size>2)?r<<t[0]<<-t[-1]:r+t);t=[];end;end;r;end

More Readable

def y(n) 
n.each_with_index do |x,i|
 t << x
 if (x.succ != n[i+1])
    r = ((t.size > 2) ? r << t[0] << -t[-1] : r+t)  

And execute like

 > n=[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15]
 > y n
 => [1, -4, 7, 8, 10, 12, -15]

PHP 95 chars

(actually it's the second language after python)

Given $a=array(numbers);


for($i=0;$i<count($a);$i++){$c=$i;while($a[$i+2]==$a[$i]+2)$i++;echo $a[$c],$i-$c>1?'-':',';}