I have searched and tryed all found solutions to this. I need to remove the shadow from a button in android. Most of the solutions i found involve using an imagebutton and setting it's background. I tryed that and it works but my button has text so imagebutton is not an option. Unless there is a way to write to an imagebutton?
My second solution was:
But nothing seemed to change. Third:
android:shadowColor="@color/application_transparent" />
Nothing changed here either.
I also tryed creating a custom shape with stroke 0 and setting the buttons background to it but still nothing. I prefer to do this in my Xml rather than programmatically but if that is the only way, so be it. Thanks in advance
How about
In my case, simply adding..
..in the xml file did the trick.
Alternative for Attribute stateListAnimator used in API level 21 - I wrapped button inside a linear layout, both having same dimensions. Worked for my case.
Set Style Attribute for Button in xml
It Works.