Nginx config for single page app with HTML5 App Cache

久未见 提交于 2019-12-02 20:52:47

That loop message suggests that /files/whatever/public/index.html doesn't exist, so the try_files in location / doesn't find $uri when it's equal to /index.html, so the try_files always internally redirects those requests to the @ location which does the external redirect.

Unless you have a more complicated setup than you've outlined, I don't think you need to do so much. You shouldn't need external redirects (or even internal redirects) or server-side cookie sending for a one-file js app. The regex match for app and api wasn't quite right, either.

root /files/whatever/public;
index index.html;

location / {
    try_files $uri /index.html =404;

# Proxy requests to "/auth" and "/api" to the server.
location ~ ^/(auth|api) {
    proxy_pass http://application_upstream;
    proxy_redirect off;