
JWT-based authentication for <img> tags?

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-20 06:49:31
问题 Supposed I have a single page application that uses JWT tokens to authenticate against a backend REST api. I transfer the JWT token inside the http header when doing a REST request. So far, so good. Now, supposed I want to download an image from the server, and I want the image only to be accessible for authenticated users. On the server, this is no problem: Simply define a route that delivers the image, and in that route verify the JWT token. But: How do I transfer the token from the client

JWT-based authentication for <img> tags?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-02-20 06:45:13
问题 Supposed I have a single page application that uses JWT tokens to authenticate against a backend REST api. I transfer the JWT token inside the http header when doing a REST request. So far, so good. Now, supposed I want to download an image from the server, and I want the image only to be accessible for authenticated users. On the server, this is no problem: Simply define a route that delivers the image, and in that route verify the JWT token. But: How do I transfer the token from the client

msal in React SPA - use access token received from AcquireTokenRedirect

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-19 08:04:21
问题 I have a React SPA and I'm using msal to authenticate Microsoft users using loginRedirect. After the login, I'm acquiring an access token silently using acquireTokenSilent to call a web API. When acquiring the access token fails and interaction is required, I'm using acquireTokenRedirect. When I use acquireTokenRedirect, what I see is: 1. The user is redirected to 2. A 302 response is returned with Location header that contains the redirect url + the access token. 3

nginx responds with 404 Not Found (Single Page App)

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-19 07:48:25
问题 I have a Single Page Application with regular Browser Router (without hash). Whenever someone navigates through page and hits refresh button nginx tries to find file on this path. So if someone is on nginx looks for about file and responds with 404 Not Found. How to fix this issue? I'm thinking about specifying a location with wildcard -* except /api tho, because every backend endpoint in this app starts with api . How to match all paths except one? This is how my

Use of '<style scoped>' in Nuxt.js (SPA)

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-19 06:09:54
问题 I start the project with nuxt.js / express. We have developed style scoped for each component (.vue) in nuxt.js. So, when routing , the property is overlaid on the same class name (style), so the page does not display properly. 1. What is the correct use of 'style scoped'? 2. Or should the routing process be <a> rather than <nuxt-link> ? 回答1: What is the correct use of 'style scoped'? The <style scoped></style> notation is not ambiguous, as the scoped attribute suggests, all the CSS elements

Use of '<style scoped>' in Nuxt.js (SPA)

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-02-19 06:09:45
问题 I start the project with nuxt.js / express. We have developed style scoped for each component (.vue) in nuxt.js. So, when routing , the property is overlaid on the same class name (style), so the page does not display properly. 1. What is the correct use of 'style scoped'? 2. Or should the routing process be <a> rather than <nuxt-link> ? 回答1: What is the correct use of 'style scoped'? The <style scoped></style> notation is not ambiguous, as the scoped attribute suggests, all the CSS elements

Why do I need a server with create-react-app

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-19 03:05:27
问题 I recently created a website with create-react-app. Since this is not a web app, why do I need a server to see it? I tried to open the index file in build folder but it doesn't work unless I'm serving it from a server. 回答1: You can set the homepage root url in the package.json file e.g. { ..., "homepage":"file:///<path to build directory" } npm run build This will now find the static content in the build directory from the file system without a server. 来源:

Why do I need a server with create-react-app

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2021-02-19 03:05:02
问题 I recently created a website with create-react-app. Since this is not a web app, why do I need a server to see it? I tried to open the index file in build folder but it doesn't work unless I'm serving it from a server. 回答1: You can set the homepage root url in the package.json file e.g. { ..., "homepage":"file:///<path to build directory" } npm run build This will now find the static content in the build directory from the file system without a server. 来源:

React SPA - GTM Analytics React-Helmet Previous Page Title

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2021-02-18 17:46:06
问题 I am using Google Tag Manager to push pageview events to the datalayer for Analytics tracking. This is happening in componentDidMount() (and sometimes componentWillReceiveProps() if I am listening for query string parameter changes with the location prop using withRouter). I am using react-helmet to dynamically update my title and other tags as components change. I have noticed an issue that I am getting the improper page title in Analytics. It's frequently showing the page title of the

IdentityServer External auth provider - auth-callback - Redirection - 400 Bad request

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-17 19:20:50
问题 I am following and to implement OIDC in SPA(Angular) I am using aspboilerplate integrated IdentityServer I've set up everything as per the above articles and I was able to navigate to external auth provider and was also able to enter the required credentials. While