Azure DocumentDB Intermittent 401 error when querying REST API via Obj-c

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-02 11:11:48

401 (auth failure) usually indicates that something is wrong with the auth token.

It's important to note that the auth token is a Base64-encoded string - meaning it can contain the + character.

The db server expects + characters in the auth token to be url encoded (%2B)... some but not all HTTP clients will automatically encode HTTP headers for you.

I suspect url-encoding or converting + to %2B for the following variable will fix your intermittent 401 issue:

NSString* signature = [HMACData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64Encoding64CharacterLineLength];

I've seen this issue before and usually it has to do with the final 2 steps of the protocol, i.e. either the base64 encoding is whacky, or the URI encoding. One way to debug this would be to print the auth token that you had sent, in case of failure, and see if there are any strange characters which are possibly not being transmitted correctly. You can post the buggy token here and I can take a look.
