How to use the saved .rds h2o model for prediction afterwards?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-02 07:40:58


I have created a R model using mlr and h2o package as below

rfh20.lrn = makeLearner("classif.h2o.randomForest", predict.type = "prob")

Done the model tunings and model initiates h2o JVM and connects R to h2o cluster, modelling is done and I saved the model as .rds file.

saveRDS(h2orf_mod, "h2orf_mod.rds")

I do the prediction as

pred_h2orf <- predict(h2orf_mod, newdata = newdata)

then i shutdown h2o


Later I re-call the saved model

h2orf_mod <- readRDS("h2orf_mod.rds")

Initiate h2o so JVM connects R to h2o cluster


Now the model is from local saved location, cluster doesn't know the model, when i do prediction, I get error which is obvious

ERROR: Unexpected HTTP Status code: 404 Not Found (url = http://localhost:54321/4/Predictions/models/DRF_model_R_1553297204511_743/frames/data.frame_sid_b520_1)

 [1] "water.exceptions.H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException: Object 'DRF_model_R_1553297204511_743' not found in function: predict for argument: model"
Error in .h2o.doSafeREST(h2oRestApiVersion = h2oRestApiVersion, urlSuffix = page, : ERROR MESSAGE: Object 'DRF_model_R_1553297204511_743' not found in function: predict for argument: model

May I know how to handle this, whether the saved model uploaded to cluster or something else, as every time building the model is NOT the effective way.


As per the comment instead of saving model using saveDRS/readRDS, save model as

h2oModelsaved <- h2o.saveModel(object = h2orf_model, path = "C:/User/Models/") 

Re-call model

h2oModelLoaded <- h2o.loadModel(h2oModelsaved)

Convert the test data as h2o Frame

newdata <- as.h2o(testdata)

Then Call the predict

pred_h2orf2 <- predict(h2oModelLoaded, newdata = newdata)

This works perfect

