i have put com.saikoa.dexguard.eclipse.adt_*.jar file in dropin folders of eclipse.And modified the Proguard-Project and Project-Properties Files in android Project.And i build the release version of .apk.The thing my apk is obfustcated,shrinked.but i also want my assets to be obfuscated.This is not happening.So,how to obfuscate the assets of your android project with the help of dexguard.
DexGuard provides the option -encryptassetfiles
to encrypt assets. It is documented in the DexGuard manual > Settings > -encryptassetfiles. The samples directory also contains a sample project that illustrates the feature.
I experienced this same problem and found the solution in the docs.
This means that your code must invoke the AsssetManager as follows: open("MyAssetFile").
If you are not loading your asset in that manner then Dexguard does not encrypt the asset.
For example, you must open your asset like this:
InputStream stream = context.getAssets().open("myAssetFile.html");
rather than
You also need to ensure that you have set your dexguard config to encrypt your assets:
-encryptassetfiles assets/myAssetFile.html,assets/myOtherAssetFile.txt