DisplayMemberPath gives an error when I try to use it to display the value of my dictionary in a Combo Box

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-02 03:45:57

Try this:

<ComboBox Height="40" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" SelectedValuePath="Key" DisplayMemberPath="Value" x:Name="comboBox1" FontSize="25"/>

var source = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            source.Add("Item1", 0.4);
            source.Add("Item2", 0.3);
            source.Add("Item3", 0.1);
            source.Add("Item4", 0.1);

            var formateDSource = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (var item in source)
                formateDSource.Add(string.Format("[{0}, {1}]", item.Key, item.Value), item.Key);

            comboBox1.ItemsSource = source;

you should try '.' instead of Value, it should pick it up as binding to the object as it has no property name

comboBox1.DisplayMemberPath = ".";