
c# How to show name and insert values (name's ID ) from combobox in c#

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-18 14:50:46
问题 Thank you guys in advance. I'am new user in c# Windows Forms. I have a table with id's and name ID | Name --------------- 1 | Lion 2 | Tiger 3 | Crocodile If I want to display from a table to combobox I did like this. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace Insert_update_delete_nr2 { public partial class Form1 :

c# How to show name and insert values (name's ID ) from combobox in c#

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-02-18 14:49:29
问题 Thank you guys in advance. I'am new user in c# Windows Forms. I have a table with id's and name ID | Name --------------- 1 | Lion 2 | Tiger 3 | Crocodile If I want to display from a table to combobox I did like this. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace Insert_update_delete_nr2 { public partial class Form1 :

杨玲 201771010133《面向对象程序设计(java)》第十六周学习总结

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-17 22:23:51
《面向对象程序设计( java )》第十六周学习总结 第一部分:理论知识学习部分 1、程序是一段静态的代码,它是应用程序执行的蓝本。进程是程序的一次动态执行,它对应了从代码加载、执行至执行完毕的一个完整过程。操作系统为每个进程分配一段独立的内存空间和系统资源,包括:代码数据以及堆栈等资源。每一个进程的内部数据和状态都是完全独立的。多任务操作系统中,进程切换对CPU资源消耗较大。 2、多线程是进程执行过程中产生的多条执行线索。线程是比进程执行更小的单位。线程不能独立存在,必须存在于进程中,同一进程的各线程间共享进程空间的数据。每个线程有它自身的产生、存在和消亡的过程,是一个动态的概念。多线程意味着一个程序的多行语句可以看上去几乎在同一时间内同时运行。线程创建、销毁和切换的负荷远小于进程,又称为轻量级进程。 3、Java实现多线程有两种途径:创建Thread类的子类;在程序中定义实现Runnable接口的类。 4、用Thread类的子类创建线程:首先需从Thread类派生出一个子类,在该子类中重写run()方法。然后用创建该子类的对象Lefthand left=new Lefthand(); Righthand right=new Righthand();最后用start()方法启动线程 left.start(); right.start(); 5

DataGrid DataGridTemplateColumn ComboBox

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-17 05:51:33
问题 I'm having trouble with my ComboBoxes in a DataGrid , let me explain with a few pictures. This is the starting point. Now if I want to add a new row I click the last row and hit Enter. A new row is added and iv selected type table here and given it a name MY_TABLE, then I hit enter to add another row. The result is this, the combobox for the previous added row's type selection has gone back to None. NOTE: that the checkboxes were previously grayed out as type None cant have any privileges,

JavaFX 11 uneditable ComboBox not displaying values outside combo items list properly

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-16 20:13:08
问题 I have troubles with JaxaFX 11 ComboBox (it seems that in JavaFX 8 it works OK). For uneditable combo, i.e. displaying the selected value in buttoncell (not in editable textbox), no value is displayed (buttoncell probably considered "empty"), if the new value is not included in the combo's items list , with one exception only: If the previous value is null (I e.g. deselect the previous non null value by keyboard in popup list), the new non null value is displayed correctly. See a simple code

How to show hidden text boxes when items are selected in a combo box

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-11 16:55:10
问题 I have a combo box with 5 different options, "one player", "two players", "three players" etc. My requirement is when user select something from combo box their equivalent text boxes should become visible i.e. if "one player" get selected, one text box should appear so user can enter the value. Same for two and three. Please suggest. 回答1: Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged If ComboBox1

Combobox IsTextSearchEnabled = True validating entered text to check if it is present in Itemsource

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-02-11 16:22:10
问题 I have a very simple use case using ComboBox where IsTextSearchEnabled property is true i.e. user can enter his text but I want to check if the entered text is present in the itemsource . Is there a simple way to this than binding Text property and validating entered text? 回答1: I believe yes, this is the easiest way to do it, but this may not be very mvvm friendly, so basically what you need to do is : Set the Combobox 's IsTextSearchEnabled and IsEditable to true , Bind the Combobox 's Text

Combobox IsTextSearchEnabled = True validating entered text to check if it is present in Itemsource

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-11 16:21:57
问题 I have a very simple use case using ComboBox where IsTextSearchEnabled property is true i.e. user can enter his text but I want to check if the entered text is present in the itemsource . Is there a simple way to this than binding Text property and validating entered text? 回答1: I believe yes, this is the easiest way to do it, but this may not be very mvvm friendly, so basically what you need to do is : Set the Combobox 's IsTextSearchEnabled and IsEditable to true , Bind the Combobox 's Text

Combobox IsTextSearchEnabled = True validating entered text to check if it is present in Itemsource

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-11 16:21:08
问题 I have a very simple use case using ComboBox where IsTextSearchEnabled property is true i.e. user can enter his text but I want to check if the entered text is present in the itemsource . Is there a simple way to this than binding Text property and validating entered text? 回答1: I believe yes, this is the easiest way to do it, but this may not be very mvvm friendly, so basically what you need to do is : Set the Combobox 's IsTextSearchEnabled and IsEditable to true , Bind the Combobox 's Text

What VBA event allows to capture click value of ActiveX combobox?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-11 15:30:09
问题 After choosing item from ActiveX combobox by mouse click I would like the combobox to be closed and the item to be chosen. Here is an example. I have tried TempCombo_Click event but it is fired AFTER the TempCombo_Change event. And when I select item by click, my search string passed to TempCombo_Change event is empty. So I need something to preserve item selection in TempCombo_Change event. I use modification of VBA code taken from Autocomplete suggestion in Excel data validation list again